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Food For Thought


There is no reason I, or anyone else, should open the refrigerator door six times in ten minutes unless subjected under the orders of thy king himself uncertain which mouth to feed next. But even then, it would take a devil possessed by saturated greed in search of further satiety.

I am no servant nor God, and I refuse to believe I am devil or king. So, I continued searching…

Following three discussions on three separate occasions with a close friend, my understanding of food has been more transparent now than ever, which may help prevent over-eating in the future.

Discussion #1:

As I made my way back to the ‘fridgerator for the seventh time, my friend demanded I sit down and continue my work. 

Upon surrendering I replied, “You’re absolutely right. I’m not even hungry, just trying to kill time.”

She explained how food is commonly used as a form of procrastination, if as though the gluttonous act of eating when not hungry justifies one’s reason for putting off important tasks.

After a short moment’s reflection, I immediately felt a sense of relief knowing this realization may help eliminate unhealthy habits in the future, though, I also wasn’t too surprised considering I’ve used this tactic for nearly two decades, if not more.

My frequent food patrol was a way I allowed myself to waste time; an activity which had excused me from homework, chores, etc. It was an outlet.  Continually checking the same pantry and shelves repeatedly in hopes of discovering a magical box of cookies was inexcusable and, unfortunately, highly tolerated as it had been on auto-pilot.

I need reminders often! I may be well aware of my actions, habits included, but I allow myself too much room for error, and without punishment.

Identifying the problem enables a solution.

Personally, I respond best with drastic measures as opposed to minor changes in action or thought though it’s probably not the most sustainable approach. For example, in the event of feeling bloated or inflamed as a result of over eating, I'd prefer doing a 24-48 hour fast instead of slowly eliminating sugars, fats and simple carbs.

Our health is too precious to procrastinate. So why is it such a struggle?

Maybe our second discussion will provide a clear & definite answer.

Discussion #2:

In any instance, food triggers (i.e. happiness, satisfaction, accomplishment) or suppresses (i.e. sadness, anxiety, anger, depression) various emotions.

Whether eating in spite of temptation, hunger or obscurity, most food seems to enhance an array of feelings and behaviors during ingestion upon which dopamine, the 'feel-good’ chemical, is released causing euphoria and other pleasurable moods. No wonder so many of us eat just to eat!

Indulgence, particularly in couples, is no longer about deep conversation, foreplay or spontaneity. Instead, it is derived from savory flavors, saturated fats and sugars. In order to keep up with desires and demands to feel good, given that a partner is unable to receive sex or intimacy in their relationship then they’re likely to result to food as a source of pleasure, ultimately playing a key role in the obesity epidemic.

On the contrary, food also extracts admirable expressions including excitement, opportunity, culture, discovery and appreciation between two individuals; which, in fact, is how this discussion began.

Discussion #3:

“I should’ve brought out more food!”

“No,” she replies. “It’s like a little timer.”


I had to think about it for a second...“You’re absolutely right!”

(once again)

Don’t get me wrong, folks love community events and gatherings, but generally speaking, people show up for the food & beverages.

If I had provided a second serving for everyone, guests would’ve felt the need to stay longer. As much as we all enjoy hosting gatherings, there comes a time when we want everyone to leave. Would you agree?

The influence of food continues to dominate and weigh on cultures and individuals across the globe as its key role once being solely for survival has evolved into a popular commodity and pastime, despite its scarcity in developing countries. Among many positive benefits of food including increased muscle-mass and bone density, and fuel for the mind and body, I have discovered, or at least come to terms with, a few negative side-effects which include its ability to waste time, change behavior and direct traffic.

If you or you know anyone who struggles with eating disorders, please reach out!

-Son of Mark

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